28 September 2011

Taking the Hobbits to?

Isengard have come! In lotro the newest patch came this week, with rohan and isengard! I havent done alot, but i ran to Isen tonight just to see, and i must say, its really really epic looking!


  1. Nice screen shot! I must run down there myself tonight, to take a look...I spent most of last night sorting out my toons...it's great to have so much to do :) Enjoy!

  2. ty! :) it was the first thing i did, i ran the way to isen just to have a look, and the whole area looks nice. haven't really done much in lotro, but ill get to it :)

  3. I got into Isenguard. The trolls guarding the entryway killed me but there were some people inside that came and rezzed me. :P

  4. haha. nice! sadly im not wanting to play lotro.. and getting into the whole li system is kinda putting me off... witch is sad, cause awesome game! :P but meh, dunno if i really can be bothered getting to 75...
